Ionic Foot Bath Detox
An Ionic Foot Bath Detox is helpful in reducing toxins that have been built up in the body. Ions pass through a set of plates in a module that is immersed in the water inside the foot bath tub. The foot bath water contains a special sea salt, so it has the mineral concentration of water from the ocean. While the client’s feet are in the water, positive and negative ions are emitted by the foot bath system. This re-energizes the body and the red blood cells. It eliminates toxins that are stored in fat, kidneys, liver, bowels, and skin. The foot bath also triggers the body’s lymphatic system, which helps with continuing detoxification for up to 24 to 48 hours after a session. The color and/or consistency of the water aids the client and practitioner in understanding which part ofthe body was detoxed.